Support for professional transition


Individual service offered to support professionals
who have lost their jobs and/or want a new job transition.

What it's about

Every job is made up of human relations

This service takes into account the individual’s emotional state, whether from post job loss or from a moment of uncertainty. Analyzing and defining it, and then includes job search counseling, resume review, assistance in preparing for job interviews, training in job search techniques, and other resources to facilitate retraining and reintegration into the work market.


Emotional Laboratory


Inner emotional retraining

Analysis of the current emotional situation, what causes negative emotions and what personal and work-related fields they influence. How to handle inpulsiveness in job hunting, how to manage emotionality, how not to be negatively influenced and make rational and objective decisions, management in interpersonal relationships

Professional Laboratory


towards a new job

Redefine one's life purpose based on one's passion | Redefine/create personal brand, storytelling | Review CV, Social Media, Website etc | Process job/client search.

how does it work

How the personal program is structured
Phases & duration

Individual coaching sessions will be held every 7/10 days, this time frame is necessary for participants to assimilate and become aware of the experiences made during the sessions, so that they can be processed and experienced.

The structure can be in pachages of 10 or 16 sessions, divided into 4 phases, this is the ideal structure programmed to achieve the set goals. The program has a well-defined line of development, useful as a lantern marking the road ahead. However, it is an organic and dynamic path, serving the personal needs of the client, thus free to shape itself to the needs of the moment.

PHASE 1 | Emotional situation
Current emotional situation | How it affects personal fields, work, family, recreation, health, money, etc. etc.
PHASE 2 | Who we are and what we want
What it means to be fulfilled | Rediscovering one's values | Inner wisdom | Life purpose as passion | Exploring the saboteur | Vigorous actions
PHASE 3 | Personal Brand & Storitelling
Personal business model canvas | Redefinition/creation of personal brand, storytelling | Review CV, Social Media, Website etc | Process job/client search
PHASE 4 | Apply
Applying what has been learnt. Job search, interviews, presentations



Analysing the current emotional situation in order not to be negatively influenced by it | Becoming aware of one's innate wisdom | Clarifying one's life purpose | Acquiring active and empathic listening to customers | Acquiring skills in using powerful and comprehensive questions towards customers | Creating personal brand & storytelling | Creating new perspectives

Services & Costs​

Two packages are offered for the Outplacement pathway.
PACKAGE 10 SESSIONS | cost 1,100 CHF/€ (each session is equal to 60 minutes) – PACKAGE 16 SESSIONS | cost 1,700 CHF/€ (each session is equal to 60 minutes)


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